Support Us

Hello fine people! The Bits & Pieces team is incredibly grateful for you visiting our site and hope you have enjoyed your time here.

Running this website costs us money from our own pockets. We don’t run any paid content or sponsorship.

We have started to add some Amazon Affiliate links dotted across the site and receive a small kickback with every purchase. Please only ever use these for things you were already going to buy from Amazon. Don’t go out of your way to buy things.

If you play Warhammer 40,000, Age of Sigmar, miniatures games or board games in general, then we’ve also got an Element Games Affiliate link. You’ll see this tucked away at the bottom of most pages and a banner somewhere to the left. The same applies as the Amazon one, we get a small kickback with each purchase but don’t go out of your way to buy things. If you happen to want something are are going to use them anyway, if you use our link then all the better.

We also have a Ko-Fi account. If we’ve ever steered you towards something you’ve loved or you just like our work in general, then we would be eternally grateful if you threw us some change. If not, that’s totally cool and we’ll still keep doing what we do.

Another great way to support the website is to follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and subscribe to our YouTube Channel. Come chat with us about the game you have been playing, give us feedback on articles or literally anything else. You can also review our podcast on places like iTunes and any of the other podcast listening places.